SEPA Payments Gateway
Fully Integrated and Certified with CENTROLINK by the Central Bank of Lithuania
PLAIS (Restriction of Debtors Monetary Funds Information System)
SEPA Credit Transfer
IBAN and BIC Validation
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst)
State Taxes Inspection Reporting Tool (STI Reporting)
API Services Easy to Integrade
Risk-Free, Secure and Cost Effective
Probanx® CoreConnect provides direct and quick access to SEPA schemas via the Central Bank of Lithuania’s CENTROlink system.
Whichever type of financial institution license you have, we give you both the technology and expertise as well as guide you through all the process of integrating SEPA payments directly into your own core system.
CoreConnect also exchanges data with your existing system or Core Banking via RESTful API and converts it to ISO 20022 XMLs. Our dynamic technology enables the processing of all SEPA messages required to pass CENTROlink acceptance testing.
Key Features
The SCT scheme is an inter-bank payment scheme defining a common set of rules and standard procedures for credit transfers in euro. The SCT scheme ensures customers can make electronic payments to any customer located anywhere in the SEPA zone using a single bank account (IBAN) and a uniform set of standards, rules and conditions.
- Send/get payments in EUR
- Unlimited Transactions & Amounts
- Fully adaptable to SEPA SCT clearing times
- Have SEPA SCT Scheme Compliant
The European Payments Council (EPC) developed a SEPA scheme for an instant credit transfers called SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst). Instant payments (or immediate, real-time payments) are electronic retail payment solutions available 24/7/365 and resulting in the immediate or close-to-immediate (within a few seconds) crediting of the payee’s account.
- Available 24/7
- Send/get payments in EUR in ~ 10s
- Unlimited Transactions
- Up to 100,000 EUR payment amounts
- Have SEPA SCT INST Scheme Compliant
SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) is a payment method that allows you to debit the invoice amount directly from the consumer’s bank account. This is done through a pre-authorized mandate given by the consumer. It offers consumers an easy and hassle free payment method while providing them with protection against unauthorized debiting.
- To collect recurrent and one-off bills in EUR
- Set exact date of collection
- Straightforward reconciliation of received payment
- Have SEPA SDD Schema Compliant
Additional Benefits
PLAIS (Restriction Of Debtors Monetary Funds Information System)
PLAIS allows the transmission of data from cash sweeps and restriction orders to credit institutions. This system proportionally allocates debtors’ monetary funds to providers of cash sweeps, controls restrictions on debtors’ monetary funds and cash sweep processes and supports the data-exchange process by creating integrations. Functionalities:
- Electronic orders submission
- Determination of withdrawal proportionality
- Integration with credit institutions
STI reporting helps for financial service providers that are established under Lithuanian Authority. It helps report open and closed accounts, balances & turnovers during declaration period every year (in the beginning of the new year for period of the last year). Functionalities:
- Integration with State Taxes Inspectorate.
- Fulfil requirements by the Lithuanian laws.
The Bank of Lithuania Proxy Lookup Service (PLS) is the lookup for the IBAN account of a client of one payment service provider (PSP) according to the alternate identifier – mobile phone number (MSISDN), or email (URI) – known by another PSP. This service facilitates the initiation of (SCT and SCT Inst) payment orders by final PSP clients using easy-to-remember and mobile device contacts information.
Fully automated SEPA payments processing
Automatically process all SEPA messages without the need for any manual operations through partner banks interfaces.
Reduced rejected payments
Reduced rejected and delayed payments due to the automated process.
Fully SEPA Compliant
Our system is fully compliant with all SEPA scheme regulations.
Secure and Reliable
The SEPA solution is a tried and trusted by consumers all round the world.